In this article, I’ll cover everything you need to know about the cost of deer fencing. I’ll detail the various factors affecting cost and answer other commonly asked questions about deer fencing projects.
Deer fencing can cost as much as $600 to $900 for a standard backyard, on average. As a general estimate, figure a budget of $4 to $6 per foot of deer fencing for a project of any size. Notably, a DIY fencing project can save you considerably on labor costs.
Approximate Deer Fencing Costs for a 200 square feet Project | |
Low Cost | $800 |
Medium Cost | $1000 |
High Cost | $1200 |
Average Cost | $1100 |
For more details, please read on.
Factors That Affect the Cost of Deer Fencing

There’s much to factor into a deer fencing budget. Let’s dive into these factors and discuss them in detail.
The fences’ height affects the total cost of deer fencing since most deer fences are usually 6, 8, and 12 feet high (1.83, 2.44, 3.66 m).
Tall fences will incur more installation expenses than short fences.
For example, a 12-foot (3.66 m) deer fence leads to high installation costs because more fencing materials will be needed to build it. It also increases your labor costs because high fences require more installation workers.
Furthermore, the price of buying a tall deer fence is higher than that of acquiring a short fence, thus increasing your deer fencing expenses.
Deer Fence Gates
The price of installing a deer fence gate impacts the total deer fencing costs, especially if you install several gates. How much you ultimately spend depends mostly on height and installation fees.
For example, deer fence gates may cost approximately $170 for a 6-foot gate and $200 for a 7-foot (2.13 m) gate. Additionally, you may incur approximately $200 for the gate’s installation fee, making it a total of over $400 per every gate installed.
You can avoid installation fees by installing the gate yourself. For instance, this deer fence access gate kit (found on Amazon) is offered at a competitive price and comes with two posts, gate tubing, and the necessary hardware needed for installation.
Warning Banners
Warning banners are essential when installing deer fences because a deer has poor eyesight, and these help them to see the fence. The cost of this may have a significant impact on your fencing budget, especially if you are fencing a large area. When calculating this, consider that banners should be installed 10 meters (32.81 ft) apart and cost approximately $5 for 20 banners.
Tensioning Kits
Fence tensioning kits aren’t mandatory, but they’re essential because they make the fence rigid, thus improving security.
The tensioning kit consists of hog rings, guide clamps, and hog ring pliers. Buying these tools separately increases your fencing costs because some depend on your fence’s length and gauge.
Purchasing a tensioning kit may decrease your expense to about $300, which you should acquire since it will increase your fence’s longevity.
Ground Stakes
Ground stakes are another necessary expense, as they’re needed to make the fence more secure.
The two types of ground stakes you should consider are 12-inch (30.48 cm) kinked galvanized stakes and 18-inch (45.72 cm) straight rebar ground stakes.
One good option is the Galvanized Rebar and Ground Stakes (available on Amazon). These stakes are easy to use because they have chisel-pointed ends that can penetrate hard and rocky soils when deer fencing.
Labor Costs
A deer fencing project can be strenuous work, and you might require assistance depending on the size of your land. You may need workers to dig holes for the posts, carry materials to the site, or even attach the fence. Or, perhaps you need help clearing the land, especially if it contains rocks and bushes.
Additionally, you should factor in the style of deer fencing when estimating labor costs, as complicated fencing styles will likely require more laborers.
Keep these things in mind during your calculations to avoid higher labor expenses than you may have predicted.
Deer fencing material may be made of metal, polypropylene, or a combination of both, which may affect the total cost of deer fencing. The material you choose will affect your total costs since some materials are more expensive than others.
For instance, polypropylene fences made from plastic are less expensive than metal fences. However, if you choose to use both polypropylene and metal, it may increase your labor costs.
Optional Upgrades
Optional upgrades such as purchasing more land and extending your property may affect the cost of deer fencing.
If you need to extend your property boundary, for example, you’ll need to hire a surveyor to measure your land features accurately. This translates to additional costs in installation materials and labor whenever you need to hire a professional.
Related Can I Shoot a Deer on My Property? | What You Need to Know.
What Is the Best Deer Fencing Material?
The best deer fencing material is metal and polypropylene heavy-duty fencing mesh. Combining metal with polypropylene material results in more reliable and sturdy fencing.
Most wholesalers and retailers take pride in making this type of fencing material available to their customers. For example, they sell one-by-one inch (2.54 x 2.54 cm) black PVC-coated galvanized steel metal wire deer fences created for containing or preventing animals from trespassing a property. You can consider purchasing a hardware cloth, like this type found on Amazon.
This material is a suitable choice for deer fencing needs because it’s sturdier and better able to withstand animal pressure. Plus, it can last up to 30 years!
Cheapest Way To Put Up a Deer Fence?
The cheapest way to put up a deer fence is using t-posts and fishing lines. Simply drive t-posts into the ground at each corner of the area you want to be protected. Then, add the fishing line at the top, middle, and near the ground, wrapping it around each post a few times to secure it.
This technique is not only cheaper but easier to install. The fencing style will help you protect your garden from deer browsers.
Consider this type of fishing line. This fishing line is strong and will help when a deer exerts pressure on the fence.
Additionally, you can place a chicken wire mesh on the lower side of a T-post deer fence, about 2 feet (0.61 m) above the ground. Something like this poultry netting helps to keep other creatures like rodents out.
How Tall Should a Deer Fence Be?
A deer fence should be at least 6 to 10 feet (1.83 to 3.05 m) tall. The best height depends on several factors, such as the amount of pressure the deer exerts when jumping, the material of the fencing, and the length of the fence.
For instance, a 6 feet tall (1.83 m) deer fence is exceptional for small gardens. It prevents the deer from eating the surrounding trees and shrubs.
A 7 feet (2.13 m) tall deer fence is appropriate for your home backyard or while in need of installing a perimeter fence.
At the same time, 8 feet to 10 feet (2.44 to 3.05 m) tall deer fences are ideal for larger areas with deer paths and customizable deer containable units, respectively.
Will Deer Walk on Chicken Wire?
It’s not likely that deer will walk on chicken wire since they don’t like to walk any type of wire fences that are laid horizontally on the ground. Typically, this type of fencing successfully prevents deer from browsing in a small-scale farming enclosure.
Farmers and many homeowners prefer using 3-foot (0.91 m) wide chicken wire and laying it flat on the ground to deter the deer from destroying their garden and shrubs.
However, this protective fencing method may potentially cause injury to both humans and deer if caught between the wire spaces.
Will Fishing Line Deter Deer?
Fishing line will work to deter deer. Consider using a light fishing line, as this will be less visible to the deer. Wrap the line around posts about 3 ft (0.91 m) above the ground –about nose height for a deer– to help prevent them from entering your property.
Fishing lines can act as an effective barrier against deer. For example, suppose the deer spots shrubs or produce in your garden; once they start approaching it, they’ll bump into the fishing line, which may stop them in their path.
Several factors impact the cost of installing deer fencing. However, if you consider DIYing the job or using chicken mesh and fishing lines on your fences, you can save some money and, at the same time, protect your property and garden from deer.
Keep in mind, deer are strong-willed animals that can jump over long fences or walk through them. So, it would be best to consider investing in more robust and sturdier fences to ensure the total deterrence of deer from your property or garden.
Good luck as you choose your preferred deer fencing!
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Jim James is a published author and expert on the outdoors and survivalism. Through avid research and hands-on experience, he has gained expertise on a wide variety of topics. His time spent at college taught him to become really good at figuring out answers to common problems. Often through extensive trial and error, Jim has continued to learn and increase his knowledge of a vast array of topics related to firearms, hunting, fishing, medical topics, cooking, games/gaming, and other subjects too numerous to name.
Jim has been teaching people a wide variety of survivalism topics for over five years and has a lifetime of experience fishing, camping, general survivalism, and anything in nature. In fact, while growing up, he often spent more time on the water than on land! He has degrees in History, Anthropology, and Music from the University of Southern Mississippi. He extensively studied Southern History, nutrition, geopolitics, the Cold War, and nuclear policy strategies and safety as well as numerous other topics related to the content on