Whether you want to forge your own sword or you are just interested in metals that are used for sword making, it is important to know what the best metals are. If a sword does not use the right metal, it will be flimsy and liable to break, so using a strong metal is ideal.
The best metal for a sword is carbon steel. Carbon steel comes in many variations, denoted by the number 10, followed by a two-digit number that represents the carbon content. Carbon steel under 1040 is too weak for a sword. The best overall metal for a sword is carbon steel, rated at 1060.
For most projects, forging steel like this type found on Amazon will do the job nicely.
So, if you are going to forge a sword at home, understanding why a carbon steel blade is the best option is important. Read on to discover all you need to know about the best metal for a sword and more.

The Best Overall Metal for a Sword
While swords may not be a standard issue anymore for soldiers, they are still popular to make and collect. Forging your own sword is a great project to undertake. However, with so many types of metal to choose from, it can be difficult to choose the right one for your sword.
The best overall metal for making your own sword is 1060 high-carbon steel. A 1060 high carbon steel blade is right in the middle as far as carbon steel goes. There are several reasons why this is a great option for your sword:
- It is not too cheap or too expensive. You do not want to get a metal that is too cheap because it can be brittle, too flexible, and low-quality. Likewise, if you get a metal that is too expensive, you may get a metal that is too difficult to forge.
- It is durable. A good sword will be durable and strong. It depends on what you need the sword for, but, generally, you want it to have good durability without too much flexibility in the blade.
- It will retain its sharpness well. Some metals lose their sharpness quickly, but a 1060 high-carbon steel blade will retain its shape for a long time, which means you do not have to sharpen it as often.
The best high-carbon steel blades will range from 1040 up to 1095, so 1060 falls right in the middle of this range. This is why it is the best overall metal to use for a sword. It offers a good, durable metal that will stay sharp.
It is important to note that this type of metal is susceptible to corrosion if not attended to properly. However, as long as you take care of the sword, then it should be okay.
Related Ways to Hold a Sword | Methods and Poses.
What is the Strongest Metal for a Sword?
You want a strong and durable metal for a sword. If you do not use a strong or durable metal for a sword, you will end up with a subpar product.
While 1060 high carbon steel is the best overall metal, it is not the strongest option:
- One of the best and strongest metals to use is 1095 high-carbon steel.
- 1095 high carbon steel is strong and durable.
- 1095 high-carbon steel is highly susceptible to rust.
Stainless steel, for example, is a metal that many people may try to forge a sword from. However, this is not recommended.
Stainless steel is a subpar choice for a sword. It is neither strong nor durable when the blade is over 12 inches long. It becomes brittle at these longer lengths, which does not pair well with a sword.
Therefore, it is important to avoid stainless steel when making your sword. Instead, opt for high-carbon steel. If you want the strongest, you should try the 1095 high-carbon steel.
What is the Best Material for a Sword?
The best material for a sword is steel. However, many types of steel can be made into a sword. Take this video, for example, where different types of steel are explained concerning sword making.
So, what types of steel are there for making a sword? Here are a few to consider.
- High carbon steel- High carbon steel, as its name suggests, has a high carbon percentage in its composition. It helps it remain durable and strong. High-carbon steel is probably the most popular material for making a sword.
- Spring steel- Spring steel is a steel alloy that also has a high carbon composition. However, spring steel is flexible and can return to its original shape when bent.
- T-10 steel- T-10 steel is silicon-strengthened carbon steel–the equivalent to carbon steel rated at 1095. This means it is even stronger than carbon steel, rated at 1095.
Remember, when looking at the material for making a sword, you want it to work for you. If you want a sword that is “usable,” then you will need a metal that is strong, durable, and can retain its razor edge.
However, if the blade you are forging is for display only, or it is to use in theatre production, or it is just for solo light practice—then you can opt for a cheaper metal. You do not need to spend more money unless you need a functional sword.
Where to Get Metal for a Homemade Sword
Now that you know the metal you want to get for your homemade sword, it is time to go out and get it.
However, unless you are a blacksmith or have forged other blades in the past, you may not know exactly where to get the metal you need.
You can get metal for a homemade sword online. There are several stores that specialize in metal for sword making and knife making. You may be able to find the metal you need in-store if there is a blacksmith or metal store nearby.
Online, there are blacksmith stores that specialize in selling metal for swords, knives, and other blades. Moreover, if you are in a real squeeze, you can also find metal from independent sellers on Amazon. As long as you know what you are looking for, you should find it easily.
Bottom Line
The best overall metal for a sword is 1060 high-carbon steel. However, there are other options you can choose from, such as 1040 high-carbon steel, 1095 high-carbon steel, spring steel, and T-10 steel.
It depends on what you need the sword for. Finding the metal is easy when you search online as long as you know what you are looking for. Once you have the metal you want, you can begin the process of forging your homemade sword.
Thanks for reading!
For more, check out How To Choose the Best Knife Blanks for Knifemaking Projects.
Jim James is a published author and expert on the outdoors and survivalism. Through avid research and hands-on experience, he has gained expertise on a wide variety of topics. His time spent at college taught him to become really good at figuring out answers to common problems. Often through extensive trial and error, Jim has continued to learn and increase his knowledge of a vast array of topics related to firearms, hunting, fishing, medical topics, cooking, games/gaming, and other subjects too numerous to name.
Jim has been teaching people a wide variety of survivalism topics for over five years and has a lifetime of experience fishing, camping, general survivalism, and anything in nature. In fact, while growing up, he often spent more time on the water than on land! He has degrees in History, Anthropology, and Music from the University of Southern Mississippi. He extensively studied Southern History, nutrition, geopolitics, the Cold War, and nuclear policy strategies and safety as well as numerous other topics related to the content on survivalfreedom.com.