If you need to prove your residency but don’t have any bills with your name on them, you can still prove your residency by showing your driver’s license, credit card or checking account statements, employment paperwork, and more.

1. Use Your Driver’s License
In most cases, you’ll need to provide two different documents as proof of residency, and almost everyone shows their driver’s license as one of their documents. A driver’s license or permit is popular because nearly everyone has it. The ID card must have your address printed on the card.
Of course, you may be trying to show proof of residence to obtain an identification card. In this case, you’ll have to provide two other types of proof from the rest of the options on this list.
Related What to Do With Old Drivers License | Keep or Destroy?
2. Use a Lease Statement
Another way you can prove your residency without a bill is to use a lease agreement or mortgage statement, but keep in mind that your name must be on the document for it to count. Another option is to have your landlord fill out a proof of residency letter.
A landlord verification letter includes the landlord’s name, address, and signature. The letter also contains information about your residence, including your address and how long you’ve lived there. The landlord has to sign the letter in front of at least two witnesses and a Notary Public. The witnesses also have to sign the document.
A landlord verification letter is a good option if you are connected with your landlord and have personal access to them, but if your residence is owned by a corporation or by someone who doesn’t live in the same area, it can be difficult to get them to sign the letter in front of the necessary witnesses.
3. Use Financial Paperwork
If you have a credit card or bank statement with your name and address, that document can serve as proof of residency. If you receive these financial documents electronically, you may be able to simply print out the PDF and provide that as proof.
If a printed PDF is unacceptable, you’ll have to call your bank or credit card company and ask them to mail you a hard copy of the statement. If you need to prove your residency immediately, you may be unable to wait for the document to arrive.
You should receive a credit card statement in the mail or electronically every billing period. This statement summarizes your purchases with the card, where, and when, and provides your balance. Bank statements are similar; they have printed records of how much money is in an account and what has been added and taken away from it.
4. Use a Pay Stub
A recent pay stub from your job counts as proof of residency. The pay stub must be pre-printed and have your name and address. If you haven’t been at a job long enough to have a pay stub, you can have your employer write a letter on your behalf.
The letter from your employer needs to be printed on company letterhead. In addition to the letter, it is helpful if your employer provides a copy of your job application. This type of letter doesn’t usually have to be notarized but double-check with the institution before you rely on this letter as proof of residence.
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5. Provide Tax Records
Both your state and federal income tax documents have your name and address printed on them, so you can provide one of these documents as proof of residence. If you have a copy of your most recent W-2 tax form, you can use that as well, or ask your employer to provide you with another copy if you can’t locate yours.
If, for whatever reason, your employer is unable to provide another W-2 form, you can ask the Social Security Administration to send another copy of your W-2. However, I don’t recommend this because the Social Security Administration charges $90 to send a W-2 form if it isn’t for a Social Security reason. That’s a lot of money to pay to prove your residency.
If getting the SSA to send a W-2 is your only choice, you must write to them and provide the following information:
- Your full name as it appears on your Social Security card.
- Your Social Security number.
- Your mailing address.
- The year of W-2 you need (typically the most recent year).
- Your phone number.
- Your reason for needing the document (in this case, proof of residency is your reason).
You can send the request with a check or money order for $90 to the Social Security Administration in Baltimore. You’ll have to complete an additional form if you want to pay with a credit card.
Alternatively, you can request a wage and income transcript from the Internal Revenue Service. You can fill out this request online. You’ll need to provide the following information:
- Your Social Security number
- Your birthday
- Your Adjusted Gross Income
- Your mailing address
- A personal banking account number
- A phone number
After the IRS receives your request, they will get your transcript to you within the next five to ten days.
6. Show Any Government Documents
If you have any correspondence with a government agency with your mailing address, this document counts as proof of residence in most cases. If, for example, you’ve received a parking ticket recently, you can use that ticket as proof of residence. Then, at least some good came of it.
If you moved recently, you could also use the confirmation letter you received from the post office when you filled out a change-of-address form as proof. If you haven’t filled out this form, definitely do so.
Related Can I Use My Parents’ Address for College?
7. Show Your Voter Registration Card
A voter registration card usually has the address printed on it. If yours does, you can use it as proof of residence. If your card doesn’t have your address on it, but you still have the envelope it arrived in for whatever reason, you can use the envelope. If you moved recently, don’t forget to update your voter registration information.
8. Use Your Vehicle Registration
If you moved recently, you had to register your vehicle at your new address. You can use your vehicle registration as proof of residency. If you’ve misplaced your vehicle registration, you can usually get a new certificate from the Department of Motor Vehicles relatively quickly and easily. They usually charge a fee, but in most states, it is lower than $10.
9. Request an Official Transcript
You can use official transcripts from educational institutions to prove your residency. You can request a transcript through your school, although keep in mind that some colleges and universities charge steep fees to send a transcript.
Also, remember that you shouldn’t open the transcript when it arrives at your address because most institutions require the envelope of a transcript to be unopened for it to count as proof of residency.
10. Use Insurance Documents
Some insurance documents work as proof of residence. For example, if you have mail from your homeowner’s insurance, that document works. As long as the insurance document has your full name and address, you can use the paperwork as proof in most cases.
Most insurance cards do not have your address printed on them, so in that case, the card won’t work as proof of residence.
11. Fill Out a Residency Affidavit Form
If you still live with your parents, you can have them fill out a Residency Affidavit on your behalf. This affidavit declares that you reside at a specific address. The document should be signed in front of a Notary Public for credibility and to increase your chances of it being accepted as proof of residence.
Who Qualifies as a Resident?
States have different rules about who does and does not qualify as a resident. Generally, you are a resident if you have lived more than half a year in a state or have permanently moved to a new state and declared your domicile.
In some cases, you might have dual residency and be considered a resident in more than one state. This is the case if:
- You work in another state, even if it is a temporary relocation.
- You live in a different state than where you work.
- You have more than one home in different states.
The following table outlines the residency rules per state:
State | You are a Resident if: |
Alabama | Domiciled. You maintain a permanent home in Alabama. You spend more than seven months of the year in Alabama. |
Alaska | You’ve lived in Alaska for twelve months or longer. |
Arizona | Domiciled. You spend more than nine months of the year in Arizona. |
Arkansas | Domiciled. You spend more than six months of the year in Arkansas. |
California | Domiciled. You are present in California for a non-temporary purpose. |
Colorado | Domiciled. You spend more than six months of the year in Colorado. |
Connecticut | Domiciled for a full year. |
Delaware | Domiciled. You spend more than 183 days of the year in Delaware. |
District of Columbia | Domiciled. You live in D.C. for more than 183 days of the year. |
Florida | Domiciled. You spend at least 183 days of the year in Florida. |
Georgia | Domiciled for a full year. |
Hawaii | Domiciled. You live in Hawaii for more than 200 days in a year. |
Idaho | Domiciled. You spend more than 270 days of the year in Idaho. |
Illinois | Domiciled for a full year. |
Indiana | You maintain a residence in Indiana for a full year. |
Iowa | Domiciled. You have a permanent home in Iowa. |
Kansas | Domiciled. |
Kentucky | Domiciled. You live in Kentucky for more than 183 days of the year. |
Louisiana | Domiciled. You have a permanent home in Louisiana. |
Maine | Domiciled. You spend more than 183 days of the year in Maine. |
Maryland | Domiciled. You maintain a residence for more than six months. You spend more than 183 days of the year in Maryland. |
Massachusetts | Domiciled. You spend more than 183 days of the year in Massachusetts. |
Michigan | Domiciled. You spend more than 183 days of the year in Michigan. |
Minnesota | Domiciled. You spend more than 183 days of the year in Minnesota. |
Mississippi | You maintain a home in Mississippi. You exercise Mississippi citizenship rights. |
Missouri | Domiciled. You maintain a residence in Missouri. You spend more than 183 days a year in Missouri. |
Montana | Domiciled. You maintain a permanent home in Montana. |
Nebraska | Domiciled. You maintain a permanent home in Nebraska. You spend more than 183 days of the year in Nebraska. |
Nevada | Domiciled. You spend more than 183 days of the year in Nevada. |
New Hampshire | You maintain a permanent residence in New Hampshire. You spend more time in New Hampshire than in any other state. |
New Jersey | Domiciled. |
New Mexico | Domiciled for a full year. You spend more than 185 days of the year in New Mexico. |
New York | Domiciled. You spend more than 184 days of the year in New York. |
North Carolina | Domiciled for a full year. |
North Dakota | You spend more than seven months of the year in North Dakota. |
Ohio | Domiciled. |
Oklahoma | Domiciled for a full year. |
Oregon | Domiciled. You have a permanent place of residence in Oregon. You spend more than 200 days of the year in Oregon. |
Pennsylvania | Domiciled. You spend more than 181 days of the year in Pennsylvania. |
Rhode Island | Domiciled. You maintain a permanent residence in Rhode Island. You spend more than 183 days of the year in Rhode Island. |
South Carolina | Domiciled. You declare an intention to live in South Carolina. |
South Dakota | You live in South Dakota for twelve consecutive months. |
Tennessee | Domiciled. You spend more than 183 days of the year in Tennessee. |
Texas | You’ve lived in Texas for 12 consecutive months. You are employed in Texas. |
Utah | You spend more than 183 days of the year in Utah. |
Vermont | Domiciled. You maintain a permanent home in Vermont. You spend more than 183 days of the year in Vermont. |
Virginia | You spend more than 183 days of the year in Virginia. |
Washington | You live in Washington for 12 consecutive months. |
West Virginia | You spend more than 30 days in West Virginia with the intent of living there. You spend more than 183 days of the year in West Virginia. |
Wisconsin | Domiciled. |
Wyoming | Domiciled for a full year. You don’t claim residency elsewhere. |
If you are unsure of your residency status in a specific state, I recommend looking up their official state tax website.
For more, check out Is It Safe to Give Someone Your Bank Account Number?
Jim James is a published author and expert on the outdoors and survivalism. Through avid research and hands-on experience, he has gained expertise on a wide variety of topics. His time spent at college taught him to become really good at figuring out answers to common problems. Often through extensive trial and error, Jim has continued to learn and increase his knowledge of a vast array of topics related to firearms, hunting, fishing, medical topics, cooking, games/gaming, and other subjects too numerous to name.
Jim has been teaching people a wide variety of survivalism topics for over five years and has a lifetime of experience fishing, camping, general survivalism, and anything in nature. In fact, while growing up, he often spent more time on the water than on land! He has degrees in History, Anthropology, and Music from the University of Southern Mississippi. He extensively studied Southern History, nutrition, geopolitics, the Cold War, and nuclear policy strategies and safety as well as numerous other topics related to the content on survivalfreedom.com.