Ezekiel bread is becoming more and more popular as people become increasingly health-conscious. But since it is just arriving on their radar, it’s not uncommon to be unsure how to store it correctly.
Like many types of bread, Ezekiel bread does not need to be refrigerated. However, it can certainly benefit from being kept in the fridge. In fact, the shelf life of Ezekiel bread extends from 5-6 days if sitting out, to 2 weeks if refrigerated. It can even last up to a year or more if frozen.
The rest of the article will go into greater detail on best practices when keeping Ezekiel bread.
Can Ezekiel Bread Be Left Out?
Ezekiel bread can be left out on the counter or tucked into the pantry and does not require refrigeration. However, it tends to go bad more quickly than other types of bread, so do not leave it out and forget that it is there as it will only last 5 or 6 days.
- Food For Life is one of the most well-known manufacturers of commercially offered Ezekiel bread, and they suggest leaving it at room temperature for no more than five days.
- Several small west-coast bakeries confirm that they suggest less than a week before their Ezekiel bread starts to go stale.
So handle Ezekiel bread the same way you would other types of baked goods, minus a couple of days.
Why Does Ezekiel Bread Have to Be Refrigerated?
First off, Ezekiel bread does not have to be refrigerated, although many people suggest doing so due to its short shelf life at room temperature.
Ezekiel bread is best kept refrigerated or frozen. While it is high in nutrition, it is also low in preservatives. It is made primarily of sprouted whole grains and legumes and doesn’t have any of the added sugar or enriched flour of your average loaf of white bread, so it is dense and powerful.
Ezekiel bread will last much longer if you keep it well sealed and either frozen or refrigerated. This becomes even more true if you make it at home from scratch.
Related How To Store Naan (To Keep It Soft And Fresh).
How Do You Store Ezekiel Bread?
You can store Ezekiel bread the same way you would any other type of bread. If you prefer a bread box, that’s a great option. If a sealed bag on the counter is your usual go-to, then go with that.
Pro Tip: If you’re going to store Ezekiel bread in a plastic or silicone-sealed bag for the fridge, or especially the freezer, make sure to put a paper napkin or a paper towel inside with the loaf to absorb any excess moisture. You want to make sure this healthy treat not only lasts but that it lasts in its best condition.
If you are the type of person/family that doesn’t eat a lot of bread quickly, also be sure to slice and separate the pieces of your Ezekiel bread. That way, you can get out or unthaw only as much as you need and not endanger the shelf life of the rest of the loaf.
The main rules of thumb for good Ezekiel bread storage: keep it dry, keep it out of sunlight, and keep it away from heat.
Can You Freeze Ezekiel Bread?
You can put Ezekiel bread in the freezer. In fact, most store-bought versions are sold in a frozen state to keep them fresh for as long as possible. The best way to unthaw it is to either put it in the fridge the night before if you plan to eat some the next day.
Alternatively, you can give it a short zap in the microwave, followed by a little time in the oven. This will soften and freshen it up the most quickly.
Can You Refreeze Ezekiel Bread?
While it is not normally recommended to unthaw and then refreeze bread, if you are going to do so, you will find the most success with Ezekiel bread. It is still not an ideal treatment, as it can somewhat undermine the overall quality of the bread, but it will still be edible.
If you do refreeze your Ezekiel bread, it is highly recommended that you toast it after you unthaw it again. If you don’t have a traditional toaster, 20-30 minutes in a 325 ℉ pre-heated oven should do the trick.
Additionally, older or refrozen Ezekiel bread makes delicious and unique croutons or stuffing for those open to healthier alternatives. So don’t be afraid to refreeze and get creative if you need or want to.
Does Ezekiel Bread Have an Expiration Date?
Ezekiel bread does not have an absolute expiration date, but it is best to consume it quickly or freeze it if you’re not going to be able to eat it right away. It should start to go stale and become unappealing to you well before it reaches a moldy stage where it might be dangerous for you to eat.
If it is properly frozen, Ezekiel bread can keep its delicious characteristics for over a year. However, again and as with all baked items, it is certainly best to enjoy them as soon as possible, as they will always taste best when they are fresh.
Say a year and a half has gone by, and you suddenly discover a long-lost bag of bread hidden behind the ice cream carton; it may still be edible, but it almost certainly will have lost some of its high-quality taste and texture.
Be sure to take a look at the “best by” dates printed on the loaves you purchase at the store to get the most accurate information regarding when your Ezekiel bread needs to have been devoured. If you are cooking it at home, best to be cautious (and keep reading for more tips).
How Can You Tell if Ezekiel Bread Is Bad?
You can tell Ezekiel bread has gone bad by sight, smell, or touch, the same as you would with any other bread. If it has changed color, or especially if you see mold, don’t hesitate to get rid of it. If your nose catches something off or something rotten, time to throw it away.
If it is too hard and stale to bite into, it is certainly ok to let it go into the trash bin. Ultimately, trust your instincts and be conservative, so you don’t make yourself, your family, or your guests sick from food that has turned. Ezekiel bread is too wonderful and nutritious not to be served in the most delicious ways possible.
Final Thoughts
While Ezekiel bread does not last nearly as long as many other types of bread, the shelf life can be extended by keeping it cold either in the fridge or freezer. Just make sure you follow the correct best practices of thawing or warming it before consuming.
I hope this article has been helpful. Thanks for stoppin’ by!
For more, don’t miss How Long Can You Survive on Just Bread and Water | What Would Happen?
Anne James has a wealth of experience in a wide array of interests and is an expert in quilting, cooking, gardening, camping, mixing drinks (worked as a professional bartender), and making jelly.
Anne has a professional canning business, has been featured in the local newspaper as well as on the Hershey website, and has been her family canner for decades. Anyone growing up in the South knows that there is always a person in the family who has knowledge of the “old ways,” and this is exactly what Anne is.
With over 55 years of experience in these endeavors, she brings a level of hands-on knowledge that is hard to surpass. Amazingly, she doesn’t need to reference many resources due to her vast wealth of experience. She IS the source.
Anne wants nothing more than to pass on her extensive knowledge to the next generations, whether that be family or anyone visiting her website, her YouTube channel, or preservingsweetness.com.