You are what you eat, and if that’s the case, people should know exactly what is in the vegetables they are eating. Whether you’re on a special diet, looking for healthy ways to add good fats to your diet, or are simply curious, it is always good to become more educated about the foods you are consuming.
The vegetable with the highest fat content is soybeans. In general, vegetables contain little to no fat. They’re really healthy foods, and the fat they do contain is good for you. Most of the fats found in vegetables are monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats.
Even with the fat found in vegetables being good for you, it’s still important to be mindful of what you’re eating and what exactly you’re taking in. It can be helpful to learn about which vegetables contain the highest amounts of fat.

Top 21 Vegetables With the Most Fat
The following is a list of vegetables ordered from highest to lowest according to grams of fat per cup.
- Soybeans: 11.52 grams
- Corn: 2.23 grams
- Kidney Beans: 1.54 grams
- Black Beans: 0.9 grams
- Northern Beans: 0.8 grams
- Cooked Lentils: 0.8 grams
- Cooked Peas: 0.6 grams
- Broccoli: 0.5 grams
- Unpeeled Zucchini: 0.4 grams
- Tomatoes: 0.36 grams
- Carrots: 0.31 grams
- Cauliflower: 0.3 grams
- Red Bell Peppers: 0.3 grams
- Kale: 0.3 grams
- White Potatoes: 0.21 grams
- Butternut Squash: 0.18 grams
- Collard and Turnip Greens: 0.17 grams
- Pumpkin: 0.17 grams
- Spinach: 0.12 grams
- Cucumber: 0.12 grams
- Cabbage: 0.07 grams
Which Plant Foods are High in Fat?
Just because you’re eating plant-based foods, it doesn’t mean that you have to miss out on loading up on good, healthy fats. There are ways you can load up on good fats while focusing on getting them from vegetables or other plant-based foods.
Fruits and vegetables are usually what people think of when you talk about eating healthy. There are many health benefits when you include a generous amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet. There are, however, very few plant foods that include a large amount of fat. The plant food with the highest amount of fat is avocados, with 21 grams of fat per fruit.
Other than that outlier, most fruits and vegetables contain less than 3 grams of fat per cup.
Related Is It Safe to Eat Unripe Avocado? | What You Need to Know.
Nutrition Facts About These Vegetables
Many vegetables share common types of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Of course, there will be varying amounts of these nutrients depending on the vegetable. Many benefits come from these vegetables as well.
No matter which vegetable you choose, you’re going to be receiving a lot of good health benefits. Eating a variety of foods, including mixed veggies, can help you get the nutrients you need to support a healthy lifestyle and give your body the resources it needs to stay strong.
Soybeans, Kidney, Black, and Northern Beans:
Soybeans, kidney, black, and northern beans are all part of a subcategory of vegetables called “pulses.” They are all great sources of fiber and other nutrients like potassium and folate. They are great sources of protein and also contain zinc and iron. Soybeans contain about 11.5 grams of fat per cup. The rest of the beans usually have about 1-1.5 grams of fat per cup.
Soybeans may help to lessen the symptoms of menopause for women, encourage greater bone health, and reduce the risk of certain forms of cancer. Beans in general can help with heart health, weight loss, and type 2 diabetes.
Corn is mostly composed of carbs, with starch being the main source. It’s also a source of protein and fiber. Corn contains various vitamins and minerals. It is interesting to note, however, that popcorn is usually higher in minerals, while sweet corn is higher in vitamins.
Sweet corn contains folate (vitamin B9), niacin (vitamin B3), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), vitamin B6, and potassium. Corn helps to maintain good eye health and can help with the digestive system as well.
Lentils are full of nutrients as well and help to take care of your heart. They’re full of zinc, magnesium, potassium, and B vitamins. They contain fiber, thiamine, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, pantothenic acid, iron, copper, and manganese.
Because of their high fiber content, lentils help with gut health and regular bowel movements. They’re also full of antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties. They can also potentially help to stop the growth of cancer cells.
Related Is it Safe to Eat Raw Lentils? | What You Need to Know.
Green peas contain many nutrients including vitamins A, C, and K. They also contain fiber and protein. They’re full of thiamine, folate, riboflavin, manganese, iron, and niacin. Thanks to their high fiber content, peas help with digestive health.
Peas help with good bacteria in your gut and with regular bowel movements. They also help with controlling blood sugar levels. They may also help protect against cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.
Broccoli is one of the healthiest vegetables and it contains vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, manganese, potassium, and iron. It also contains sulforaphane which can help the body to defend itself against cancer. The other nutrients broccoli contains helps prevent and fight against diseases.
Broccoli also contains a fair amount of fiber which helps maintain good gut health. It’s also higher in protein than most other vegetables, but the amount per serving is relatively low. Broccoli helps with eye health, lower cholesterol levels, and cancer prevention.
Zucchini is full of nutrients. These include fiber, vitamin A, manganese, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, vitamin K, folate, copper, phosphorus, vitamin B6, and thiamine. On top of all that, it also contains small amounts of zinc, calcium, iron, and other B vitamins.
Zucchini is also high in antioxidants, which can help your skin, eyes, heart, and even offer protection against some forms of cancer. Zucchini can help with digestion, reducing blood sugar levels, improving heart health, strengthening vision, and improving bone health.
Related 10 Vegetables That Have More Calcium Than Milk.
Tomatoes are a great source of fiber. They also contain vitamin C, potassium, vitamin K1, and folate. They are very helpful for improving both skin and heart health. They can also aid in cancer prevention.
Tomatoes contain nutrients (lycopene and beta carotene) that help to lower cholesterol, fight against inflammation, and help protect your blood vessels and lower the risk of blood clotting. They help fight against heart diseases, including strokes and heart attacks. Lycopene may also help protect skin against sunburns.
Carrots are a good source of vitamin A, which is a vitamin that helps to maintain normal vision. They are actually packed with vitamin A and provide 428% of the Daily Recommended Allowance (RDA). Carrots contain beta carotene (which makes carrots orange) which can possibly help to protect against some kinds of cancer.
They also contain vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B6, potassium, and fiber. Carrots are known to help maintain good eye health, but they can also help to lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of cancer.
Cauliflower is often compared with broccoli. They both come from the cruciferous family of vegetables. They contain a lot of similar nutrients as well. Cauliflower contains fiber, protein, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B6, folate potassium, copper, pantothenic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, manganese, niacin, phosphorus, vitamin E, and magnesium.
Like broccoli, cauliflower also contains many antioxidants, helps to prevent cancer, and improves heart health. It also contains nutrients that help maintain strong bones, maintain a healthy immune system, and helps with healing.
Bell Peppers:
Bell peppers are full of different vitamins and minerals. These include vitamins A, B6, C, E, and K1. They also contain folate and potassium. They are actually one of the richest dietary sources of vitamin C.
Many of the nutrients in bell peppers help with maintaining and improving heart health. They’re full of antioxidants which provide many health benefits. They help with eye health, anemia prevention, and prevention of other diseases.
Kale is another one of the healthiest vegetables. It’s full of vitamins such as vitamin A, B6, C, and K. It also contains potassium, manganese, calcium, fiber, folate, magnesium, copper, and iron. Kale contains amounts of thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), and niacin (vitamin B3). It’s full of nutrients, antioxidants, and is also low in calories.
Kale is nutrient-dense and contains nutrients that have anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-depressant, and heart-protective effects. It helps to lower cholesterol, reduce the risk of heart disease, improve and maintain eye health, and reduce the risk of cancer. Kale is definitely one of the best vegetables you can eat.
Potatoes are another starchy vegetable. They contain potassium, vitamin C, folate, and vitamin B6. They also contain some good antioxidants that provide various health benefits. Potatoes can help with heart health and contain vitamin B6, which helps with the formation of red blood cells. Potassium (another component of potatoes) helps to reduce the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease.
Another benefit of potatoes is that they help you to feel full and satisfied after eating them. Potatoes are among some of the most filling foods. This is helpful because you aren’t consuming a lot of calories when you eat potatoes, but you feel satisfied anyway.
Butternut Squash:
Though it’s technically a fruit, butternut squash is usually thought of as a vegetable. It contains many nutrients such as fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, thiamine, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, magnesium, potassium, and manganese. It’s full of antioxidants which help to reduce the risk of various diseases.
Butternut squash reduces the risk of cancer, heart disease, and helps to fight against mental decline. It also helps to maintain normal functions within the body, including the health of your eyes, bones, heart, and immune system.
Pumpkins are also technically a fruit (since they contain seeds). However, its nutrition follows the pattern of a vegetable and most people think of pumpkins as a vegetable. They are full of fiber, protein, vitamin K, vitamin C, potassium, copper, manganese, riboflavin, vitamin E, iron, folate, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, and thiamine.
Pumpkins are also extremely high in beta carotene, which is a powerful antioxidant. Many health benefits come from pumpkins, including good eye health, a healthy immune system, healthy skin, and good heart health.
Mustard, Turnip, and Collard Greens:
Greens in general are packed with nutrients. They’re full of fiber, protein, and calcium. Collard greens are actually one of the best sources of calcium in vegetables. This helps to maintain good bone health and even to decrease the risk of osteoporosis.
They contain fiber, copper, and lots of vitamins including vitamins A, B6, C, E, and K. These leafy greens help to boost immunity, are full of antioxidants, help fight against cancer, and help support good eye and heart health.
Spinach is another vegetable that is packed with vitamin A. It also contains vitamin K, beta carotene, and lutein. It’s full of antioxidants and can even help decrease the risk of cancer, improve heart health, and help reduce high blood pressure.
Spinach is also full of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, folic acid, iron, and calcium. It helps with oxidative stress, eye health, cancer prevention, and lowering blood pressure. Basically, spinach is full of nutrients that help with various functions in the body. It’s low in calories but packed with good vitamins and minerals.
Cucumbers are also high in nutrients. They contain fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, magnesium, potassium, and manganese. A lot of the nutrients are contained in the peel. In order to maximize the nutrients you get from eating cucumbers, you may want to consider leaving the peel on.
Cucumbers contain a lot of antioxidants and help keep you hydrated. They also help to lower blood sugar and maintain regular bowel movements. It helps to lower the risk of cancer and lung, heart, and autoimmune disease.
Cabbage is similar to lettuce in the nutrients it provides. Cabbage is full of fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B6, folate, manganese, calcium, potassium, magnesium, riboflavin, and iron. It’s full of good antioxidants and contains more vitamins and minerals than iceberg lettuce.
Cabbage helps to reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and neurodegenerative diseases. Cabbage is also really good for your gut and digestive system. It helps to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
For more, don’t miss The 10 Best Fast Foods That Are Easy on the Stomach.
Anne James has a wealth of experience in a wide array of interests and is an expert in quilting, cooking, gardening, camping, mixing drinks (worked as a professional bartender), and making jelly.
Anne has a professional canning business, has been featured in the local newspaper as well as on the Hershey website, and has been her family canner for decades. Anyone growing up in the South knows that there is always a person in the family who has knowledge of the “old ways,” and this is exactly what Anne is.
With over 55 years of experience in these endeavors, she brings a level of hands-on knowledge that is hard to surpass. Amazingly, she doesn’t need to reference many resources due to her vast wealth of experience. She IS the source.
Anne wants nothing more than to pass on her extensive knowledge to the next generations, whether that be family or anyone visiting her website, her YouTube channel, or