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How to Connect Two Different Size Garden Hoses

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If you already have a garden hose, then you might not want to spend extra money to buy one twice the length. However, you can save money by buying another size and pairing them together. There are several solutions to connect different hose sizes with one another, so don’t worry about having to pick the exact dimensions.

You can connect two different size garden hoses but need an adapter to match them together. You can either use a tapered adapter or a T-shaped adapter. Either will do just fine. For example, a ¾-inch hose can be adapted to a 1-inch hose with a ¾” to 1” adapter.

Throughout this article, you’ll also learn the following information:

  • Tools and supplies for the job
  • Detailed instructions to connect your hoses
  • Different adapters to choose from
Hose Fittings for Water Hoses

Can You Connect Two Different Sized Hoses?

Connecting two hoses of the same size is easy; All you need is to screw the male and female ends together, and you’re good to go. However, it’s not quite so simple if the hoses aren’t the same size. Typically speaking, the size refers to the diameter of the hose, not the length.

When you’re trying to fit two hoses together without an adapter, it’s physically impossible. Fortunately, there are several types of adapters to choose from. If you’re stuck at the hardware store, try one of these:

  • 3-way hose connectors can be installed at the tap or in between hoses. If you want to connect three hoses, you can put this adapter in the middle of them all. You can also shut off one end and use it as a two-way connector to fit two different hose sizes together.
  • Male-Female hose connectors have one end that’s threaded on the outside and one end that’s threaded on the inside. Make sure that you know where the threads on your hoses are before you head out to the store.
  • Female-female hose connectors are a bit rare, but they include two sides that both have threads on the inside. They’re used with hoses that have two male sides (threads sit on the outside of the hose).
  • Male-male hose connectors are used with hoses that have their threads on the inside. Since these connections are threaded on the outside of both ends, they can be used to taper up or down a size.
  • Hose repair couplings are very common when you’re dealing with a broken hose. You can cut the threaded portion right off each hose and use a coupling to fit them together. Since they attach to the rubber portion of a hose rather than a threaded part, you don’t have to worry about male or female connections.

As you can see, there’s no shortage of variations to choose from. Once you’ve gone over the details and figured out which one will work best for your hose, it’s time to move forward to the tools and supplies that you’ll need.

Tools and Supplies

Before you get started, you need to gather the right supplies, so you’re not shorthanded. Some of them are optional, but it’s best to have it all with you. Here are the supplies and tools that you need to connect two different-sized hoses together:

  • The hose connector of your choice
  • Plumber’s tape (Click to see Amazon listing for my favorite brand)
  • Two hoses
  • An adjustable wrench
  • Measuring tape or ruler
  • (Optional) Marker

You probably have most of these items around the house. Now that you have everything you need, let’s jump into the instructional guide below!

How to Connect Your Two Hoses Together

You should start by laying all of your supplies next to you. Make sure that the back end of the main hose is connected to the water source (in this case, a garden hose spigot). You won’t be moving around much, so consider wearing a pair of knee pads.

Here’s how you can connect two different hoses sizes:

  1. Take your measuring tape and measure the diameter of the hose. You should do this before you buy an adapter, if possible. Knowing the diameter will allow you to pick out the correct adapter size. Remember that you need to know both hoses’ dimensions, not just the main hose.
  2. Once you have the adapter (refer to the first section for a buyer’s guide), clean off both threaded portions of each both. You need to remove dirt and grime to achieve a proper seal, or you’ll end up with a leak right away. Use a wet rag and dish soap. Never use WD40 or other metal sprays since hoses can be used as a drinking source.
  3. Use the plumber’s tape to wrap it around the exterior of the male end. Depending on which adapter and hose you’re using, you can apply the tape correctly. Never try to put plumber’s tape on both sides, or you’ll rip it all off. Note: Apply Teflon (plumber’s) tape to go with the motion of the threads, not against it.
  4. Slowly twist the female end over the male end. Since you have plumber’s tape on the male end, you should try to hold it steady rather than twisting it around over and over. Once you’ve hand tightened the adapter to the hose, you can proceed to follow the same steps for the other hose on the opposite side of the adapter.
  5. Now that everything is secure use the adjustable wrench to tighten it even more. Remember to not overtighten, or you’ll strip the threads. Just do it until water can’t leak out at its highest pressure. Feel free to turn on the spigot to test your work during this process.
  6. When it’s 100% tightened from your wrench, turn on the spigot and look for leaks. You’ll need to check both hose connections as well as the spigot to see if the Teflon tape has done its job. If there are leaks, turn off the water, remove the tape, and reapply a new layer. Don’t shy away from adding two to three layers of it.

If you choose to use a hose coupling because your threaded portions are stripped, or you don’t want to buy a tapered adapter, you’ll need to change a few of the steps. Teflon tape isn’t a requirement, and a wrench might be too much since most couplings are made out of plastic. If you’re worried about security, there are a few metal models.

All you have to do is cut off the threaded part of each hose, measure the diameter from exterior to exterior, attach the coupling (it’ll slide inside and outside of the hose at the same time to prevent leaks), and hand-tighten it. Do the same for the other hose, and you’ll be good to go!


Connecting your hoses together doesn’t have to be an annoying two-hour project. When you have everything you need, it can be done in less than one minute. The most important part is to make sure that you have a secure fitting, especially if you’re using coupling to attach the hoses together.

In the rare scenario where you can’t find an adapter to fit your hoses together, you might want to consider buying a single large hose. However, there are countless fittings online and at most hardware stores to fit hoses of all different sizes, so it’s highly unlikely that you’ll run into this issue.

As a final recap, remember to measure, apply plumber’s tape, screw the female end over the male end, and repeat for the other side. Test your work, adjust the fittings if necessary, and enjoy your new hose.

Helpful Related Products

Here is the product that I mentioned in this article that can help you do the job properly:

For more, check out What Is an Expandable Garden Hose and When to Choose One?