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The 5 Best Substitutes for Gin in Drinks and Cooking

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The best gin substitutes are liquids that can match the botanical and aromatic qualities of gin while having a similar amount of alcohol. Good gin substitutes have flavors and aromatics that are floral and botanical. They contain enough alcohol to hold up to other ingredients when cooking.

This article will discuss the 5 best alternatives for gin when making food or drink recipes, what are the best specific choices for these alternatives, and which qualities make for good gin substitutes in food and drink recipes.

1. Vodka

Several Bottles of Vodka

Much like gin, vodka is made from a neutral spirit, but where gin is usually distilled from grain, vodka can be distilled from a number of base ingredients. Even though labeled a neutral spirit, it doesn’t necessarily mean the ingredients used to distill don’t add some flavor or aroma to the final product. 

Therefore it is important to know what the vodka is distilled from in order to be the best possible choice as a substitute for gin when making food or drink recipes. The best choice would most likely be grain-based vodka

The table below shows some of the most popular vodkas in 2022 and what they are distilled from

Brand Of VodkaIngredient It Is Distilled FromIs This Grain Based?
Belvedere VodkaDankowskie Gold RyeYes
Grey Goose VodkaSingle Origin Winter WheatYes
Chopin VodkaWheat, Rye, Or PotatoThe Wheat And Rye Are, The Potato Is Not
Haku VodkaRiceYes
Prairie Organic VodkaCornNo
Absolut VodkaWinter WheatYes
JCB VodkaWine GrapesNo

It is also important to note that gin contains a wide variety of botanicals and herbs. Therefore another option when substituting vodka for gin is to look for brands that use these types of adjuncts for flavoring the vodka. 

Some vodkas that contain botanicals and herbs include:

  • Ketel One Botanical
  • Square One Botanical Vodka
  • Blackwoods Botanical Vodka

Choosing a botanical vodka for your food and drink recipes can help imitate some of the flavors that you will find in gin. These products include a variety of flavors including citrus, herbs, and other flavorful plants much like gin does. 

Another advantage of vodka as a substitute for gin in drinks and food is the lack of color. Gin is generally clear, as is vodka. So from an aesthetic standpoint, vodka is an excellent choice when replacing gin in recipes.

Because the base spirit is highlighted in cocktails more than it is in cooking, it is especially important to choose the right vodka when you are making drinks. When cooking with alcohol, some of the alcohol is lost in the process. You will still taste the character of the liquor you cook with, though not as intensely as when drinking it in its pure form in a cocktail.

2. Vermouth

Bottle of Martini Extra Dry Vermouth

Vermouth is made with a long list of botanicals; therefore, it can work wonderfully in the place of gin for both food and drink recipes. Gin and vermouth are often used side by side in cocktails due to the complementary flavors found in the two spirits.

Vermouths come in a variety of styles that include both sweet and dry. Because gins are most often a dry flavored spirit, it is important to choose vermouth which is both complex and on the drier side when selecting a good substitution for gin. 

Here is a list of some popular vermouths and their flavor profiles:

Brand Of VermouthFlavor NotesSweet Or Dry
Dolin Vermouth DryCitrusy And HerbalDry 
Dolin Vermouth RougeFruity, Nutty, And PepperySweet
Martini & Rossi Extra DryWood Notes, Herbal, CitrusyDry
Carpano Antica Formula VermouthHerbal, Fruity, Vanilla NotesSweet
Noily Pratt Extra Dry VermouthFloral, HerbalDry
Cinzano Extra Dry VermouthCitrusy, Herbal, ComplexDry
Jardesca California AperitivaPeppery, Citrusy, HerbalDry

In addition to dryness being an important factor when finding a good substitute for gin in food and drink recipes, you must also pay attention to other flavor notes. Gin uses many botanicals and these include flavors like herbs, flowers, tree bark, and other plants. Vermouths use many of these same ingredients for flavor, making vermouth a great substitute for gin.

One other thing to keep in mind, however, is that sweet vermouths tend to have a red hue. Gin is clear, so this may affect the color of your food or drink recipe if you select sweet vermouth. This is just one reason why you would want to select dry vermouth as a replacement for gin.

The best vermouths to use for a gin substitute would be those that are the most complex, herbal, and as dry as possible. One popular choice as a gin substitute is Martini & Rossi Extra Dry Vermouth because it includes all of these tasting notes and qualities. Other great choices include:

  • Jardesca California Apertiva
  • Cinzano Extra Dry Vermouth
  • Martini Riserva Speciale Ambrato

These dry vermouths will all work wonderfully as a substitute for gin in many cocktail and food recipes. If you are using it in place of gin in a cocktail it won’t be as piney, but you will still taste multiple layers of flavor from the many botanicals used in these gins. In addition, it will mimic the dryness of gin in both drink and food recipes alike.

Related 15 Best Substitutes For Alcoholic Beverages in Recipes.

3. Juniper Flavored Non-Alcoholic Beverages


Because juniper is one of the primary botanicals in most gins, juniper-flavored non-alcoholic beverages work well in place of gin in both food and drink recipes. Juniper has a piney flavor and aroma that is distinct and one of the most recognizable qualities of gin. 

There are many non-alcoholic juniper-flavored alcoholic beverages on the market. Some are carbonated sodas, others are sold as syrups that you can add to sparkling or still water. Because gin is not carbonated there are certain recipes that would do better with a still juniper beverage. 

However, many cocktail recipes involving gin do contain carbonation, so depending on the recipe you are using the juniper flavored beverage as a gin substitute for, carbonated options can work perfectly well.

Here are some popular juniper flavored beverages:

Brand Of BeverageType Of BeverageCarbonated Or Non-Carbonated
Navy Hill Juniper Soda + TonicJuniper Flavored TonicCarbonated
Olive NationJuniper Flavor ExtractNon-Carbonated
Tanquerey Alcohol-FreeZero Alcohol GinNon-Carbonated
Dona Spice SodasJuniper & Lime SodaCarbonated
Culture PopGrapefruit, Ginger, & Juniper SodaCarbonated
Floral Elixer Co.Juniper Berry Flower SyrupNon-Carbonated
Florida HerbsJuniper Berry ExtractNon-Carbonated

Most of these beverages would work well as a gin substitute depending on the level of carbonation you want in your recipe. The advantage of using syrup or extract is that you can control the level of carbonation you want in your food or drink recipe. You can buy a juniper-based syrup, or even make your own at home!

To make the greatest variety of both food and drink recipes, it would be best to choose a non-carbonated substitute for gin. The best choice would be syrup or extract so that you can control the amount of flavor and carbonation needed for your recipe. These are all great choices:

  • OliveNation Juniper Flavor Extract
  • Homemade Juniper Syrup
  • Floral Elixer Co. All Natural Juniper Berry Syrup

While all three of these choices would allow you to control the carbonation of your gin substitute, the juniper flavor extract would be the best choice because it is the driest in flavor, like gin, and it also would not affect the color of your food or drink the same way that the other products may.

Using syrup or extract in your food and drink recipes will mimic the juniper flavor found in gins. While you will not get as many additional botanical flavors and aromas you can choose which you would like to add in addition to the juniper flavor. 

This allows you creative license to add a wide variety of flavors to your recipe depending on which other herbs, citrus, and other flavors you think will best work in your food or drink recipe. 

Because there are so many different possibilities you can add to a juniper-based syrup this is a great choice for a gin substitute in both food and drinks. It allows you to create your own gin substitute based on what flavors you think will work best. 

4. Juniper Flavored Alcoholic Beverages

There are juniper-based alcoholic beverages that are not gin that can be used for drinks and cooking as a substitute. Juniper is a prominent flavor in most gins, but gins vary in what their other ingredients include. There are juniper-based liquors on the market that are not gin.

Whether you choose something with a similar overall flavor profile to gin, or much different, there are numerous juniper-flavored alcoholic beverages that you can substitute for gin. This is a good substitute because you get one of the predominant base flavors but the overall flavor profile can be different from gin which allows you to complement particular food and drink recipes more effectively. 

Here is a list of juniper-based liquors that are good gin alternatives:

Brand Of LiquorFlavor ProfileColor Of Liquor
CocaleroJuniper, Green Tea, GingerBright Green
(Minus) 33Juniper, Citrus, DryCompletely Clear
Kranewitt Vinars da GinaiveKranewitt Vinars da GinaiveCompletely Clear
Zerbenz Stone Pine LiqueurHerbal, Piney, SweetMedium Intensity Red

From a pure flavor standpoint, most of these juniper-based liquors would be good replacements for gin because they are attempting to achieve very similar profiles, However, Cocalero and Zerbenz Stone Pine Liqueur are both bright colors that would stand out in certain food and drink recipes. 

The best choice when using a juniper-based liquor to replace gin in food and drink recipes would be a spirit that is dry, clear, and has similar botanicals to gin in addition to the juniper berries. In this respect, the best two choices from this list are:

  • Kranewitt Vinars da Ginaive
  • (Minus) 33

(Minus) 33 is the closest thing you will find to gin that is not technically gin. It is almost a point of controversy to not call it gin as really the main difference is the lower proof in alcohol and thus lower amount of sugar. But because it does not qualify as a true gin and is so similar, this makes it an excellent choice as a substitute for gin for both cocktail and food recipes.

Choosing a clear, dry liquor made from juniper berries and containing similar botanicals to those found in gin is an excellent replacement for gin in both food and drink recipes. This makes these choices among the best you will find for gin substitutes.    

5. Other Similar Botanicals

One effective replacement for gin in food and drink recipes is using juniper berries and other fresh ingredients in place of the spirit. There are a variety of botanicals found in gin, and many of these are also found in the kitchen pantry or grocery store and can be used in food and drink recipes. 

There are numerous botanicals found in gin, which are also easy to find at home and at the store. Some of the most common include:

  • Citrus fruits (orange, lemon, grapefruit).
  • Coriander 
  • Cassia Bark
  • Pepper
  • Cardamom
  • Rose
  • Cucumber
  • Sage
  • Oregano
  • Celery

A great way to get some of the flavors that you find in gin from another source is to pick similar plants, herbs, and spices to use in your recipe fresh. Even Juniper Berries can be used when fresh. This is one of the best ways to replace gin and achieve not only a similar flavor profile but the exact flavor profile that you want in both food and drink recipes.

You will want to keep in mind the one major difference is that gin is alcohol-based. You could add neutral alcohol to the recipe afterward, or even soak your choice botanicals in the neutral alcohol to achieve the closest gin substitute possible while using fresh herbs, citrus, and spices.

Using these fresh, raw ingredients as a gin substitute is another great way to replace gin in food and drink recipes. Just understand that gin is alcohol-based and clear, so there may be extra steps needed to ensure that your fresh botanicals produce a similar flavor and color to gin.

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